Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Religion and Identity Essay

The question often arrived what is religion? There are more than one answer to this depending on one’s culture, identity, ethics and beliefs. Religion can be found in different cultures and throughout the whole period of human history. There is evidence that shows signs of religion such as animal spirits in art and human burials that suggest the belief in life after death. There have been many different answers and definition to what religion is (Van Voorst, 2013). According to Robert E. Van Voorst (2013), religion is â€Å"Pattern of beliefs and practices that expresses and enacts what a community regards as sacred and/or ultimate about life (pg.5). In addition to that, there is the separation of church and state. In America, the right to freedom of religion is very central to the American democracy that it was preserved in the First Amendment to the Constitution along with other rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of press. The country’s founders restrict the separation of church and state. This is due to the prohibition against government regulation or endorsement of religion. According to American Civil Liberties Union of Florida (2012), the standard of separation has been regularly tested. In early America, even after church establishment ended, some state legislators sought to revive the compulsory taxation of citizens to support religious institutions. In this century, public schools were once required to teach the biblical version of the earth’s and humanity’s creation, while the scientific theory of evolution was prohibited. Throughout our history, sectarian advocates have tried to inject religious exercises, such as daily prayer, into the public schools. At times, religious minorities, including members of â€Å"cults,† have been discriminated against because of their beliefs. And today, many citizens in many communities disagree about whether a model of the infant Jesus in the manger, which officially promotes certain religious beliefs over others, should be displayed on the steps of City Hall. The courts must frequently consider where to draw the line that separates church and state ( ¶5). Religion is one of our most critical tradition and constitutional rights and must stand against anything that would challenge the standard of separation, which protects that freedom. Reid Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church was the group that I visited. Though it is not my own religious practice, it qualifies as a religion. Driving up to the church there is a sign that has the name of the church boldly written in LED lights. The welcome message display in red across the board says â€Å"All Are Welcome†. Inside of Reid Temple church they have a Cross as their symbol posted high where all can see. The service was nice with the choir singing praises to God and special prayer request were taken. After the service, I spoke with the Senior Pastor about his church and what exactly do they believe in. I was informed that their slogan is â€Å"Aiming to Please through the 5 E’s. This came from II Corinthians 5:9 which states â€Å"So whether at home or away, we make our aim to please Him. (RSV). The 5 E’s were described to me as â€Å"Evangelism which is sowing the seed of God’s Word in the hearts of all people. Empowerment which is bestowing love and guidance on believers to disciple them in fulfilling their purpose. Education which is knowing the will of God through study and obedience of His Word. Economics which is flowing in financial prosperity according to God’s wealth principles and Expansion which is growing in all ministry areas to reach the growing harvest of souls† ( Washington, L. Personal interview January 13, 2013). The cross is a reminder of their pledge and it also reminds them that Jesus died for their sins and to Him all praise is given. Buddhism also has a symbol such as the Dharmachakra which is the wheel of the law. The eight spokes on the wheel represents the eightfold path. The wheel is one of the most important Buddhist symbols because it symbolizes the teachings of Buddha. According to Thames & Hudson (2004), The wheel’s motion is a metaphor for the rapid spiritual change engendered by the teachings of the Buddha: the Buddha’s first discourse at the Deer Park in Sarnath is known as the â€Å"first turning of the wheel of dharma.† His subsequent discourses at Rajgir and Shravasti are known as the â€Å"second and third turnings of the wheel of dharma.† The eight spokes of the wheel symbolize the Noble Eightfold Path set out by the Buddha in his teachings. The wheel also represents the endless cycle of samsara, or rebirth, which can only be escaped by means of the Buddha’s teachings. And some Buddhists regard the the wheel’s three basic parts as symbols of the â€Å"three trainings† in Buddhist practice: The hub symbolizes moral discipline, which stabilizes the mind. The spokes (usually there are eight) represent wisdom which is applied to defeat ignorance. The rim represents training in concentration, which holds everything else together ( ¶ 2 & 3). In the early days, the Dharmachakra not only symbolizes the teaching of Buddha but also Buddha himself. Today, it appears in the art of every Buddhist culture (para 5). Practicing religion can shape an individual and group identity. Take Buddhism for example that is followed by many Indians. This religion practices the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. The Four Noble Truths teaches that: 1. All life is suffering- this suggests that all beings experience suffering and that it can be ranged from great physical and mental pain to mild emotional unhappiness. Suffering originates from anger and sadness but then happiness is also suffering because it comes and goes. 2. The cause of suffering is desire- This suggests that humans want what they do not have and should not have. Humans’ personal desire for happiness is the cause of the suffering. 3. To end desire is to end suffering -which suggests that putting all craving and personal desires to an end will therefore end the suffering. This breaks the negative karma which leads to the 4th Noble Truth 4. To end desire- one must follow the Noble Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is : 1. The right to understanding which ends the concept of what one think is reality and see reality as it is. 2. The right to intention is where people must want to change before they can actually be change. 3. The right to speech which is speaking the truth at all times. 4. The right to conduct which means no killing, stealing, drinking, intoxicants and being sexual. 5. The right to livelihood which is working and living a life that does not cause others harm. 6. The right to effort which is developing a conscious free from craving. 7. The right to mindfulness which is to be aware and mindful and 8. The right to contemplation which is the deepening of mindfulness that leads to concentration and insight may be obtained (Van Voorst,2013). Practicing the Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path teaches and shape the followers of Buddhism. It is a way of life for them which teach them to take time to find out who they are and what they are all about. It is a guideline to ethical and menta l development. Shinto culture is another example of how practicing religion and shape individuals or groups. The people of Japan practices Shinto and is rooted in the people there and their traditions. The Shinto gods that are called kami are sacred spirits. These spirits can take form in things such as wind, rain, mountains, trees, rivers and fertility. Shinto religion believes that when a human dies they become a kami and is given back to their families and ancestral kami. There not a right from wrong in Shinto and their faith is based on being optimistic. The Shinto faith is blended with other beliefs such as that of Buddhism and Daoism. It does not have a founder, written documents, formalized ethics, system of beliefs, scripture or an organized system of theology but with the blend of Buddhism and Daoism, the Japanese culture now have a system of beliefs, written documents, founder, ethics and all that it was lacked before. It is still a central religion of Japan (Carroll, 2012). Shinto grounds are very sacred and behavior must be proper at all times. There are no food or drink allowed and there must be silence or hushed voices. Purity is important in Shinto and there is a certain procedure in washing your hands on mouth. Purity is important in pleasing the kami which brings a happy life. Van Voorst wrote that â€Å"Cleanliness in particular signifies a good character and freedom from bad external influences. In Western societies one hears the proverb â€Å"Cleanliness is next to godliness.† In traditional Japanese society cleanliness—of body, mind, and spirit, both ritual and practical—is godliness. To be in harmony with the kami, one must keep one’s person, home, and business clean† (pg 198). Religion has always been connected with government and politics. The Western world has a history of influence from Catholicism and Protestant rift. It is very similar to the history of some parts of Southern Asia that have been influenced by Islam. The interconnection of both religion and government is to be expected because both are regulating social behavior. During the past century, religion has been less influential. Modern governments have been influenced by Democratic philosophy which put importance of the average man and a sharing of the world’s resources. These ideas continue to shape modern society in different ways. For example, technology has drastically changed the nature of life and work. Traditional religious systems are gradually becoming less important. The trend towards secularism continues but has not been nearly as pronounced in the United States and regular church attendance started to decrease in the 1960’s and early 1970’s. It increased again post World War II period. There is only a small majority of Americans who thinks religion is of any importance in their lives (Federal Funding of Faith-Based Services, 2011). Many people know what religion is until they are asked to define it. Religion is a worldly thing, across many boundaries in human experience and so that makes it a bit hard to define. There are a few different definition of religion and many have different religious experience and understanding of Ultimate Reality. At Reid Temple, I asked the lady sitting next to me if she could tell what Ultimate Reality means. She said to her Ultimate Reality meant a personal relationship with God. In a different culture Ultimate Reality could mean spiritual growth or spiritual path. Not everyone is all about religion though. There are some cultures who prefer that their beliefs not to be subject as a religion but as a faith or teaching. There are some who argue that they are not religious but they are spiritual. References American Civil Liberties Union of Florida. (2012). Church and state. Retrieved from Carroll,B.J. (2012). Shinto basics. Retrieved from Federal Funding of Faith-Based Services. (2011). Religion and public policy. Retrieved from Thames & Hudson. (2004). Reading Buddhist Art: an illustrated guide to Buddhist signs and Symbols. Retrieved from Van Voorst, R.E. (2013). World relg. Student edition. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. USA Washington, L.P. (2013). Reid Temple Senior Pastor. Personal Interview January 13, 2013.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gatto Against the School Critique Essay

What is boredom? According to John Taylor Gatto, boredom is ruining the modern day society’s schooling. Gatto is convinced that we ourselves is to blame for boredom, and believes everyone should be able to entertain themselves. â€Å"How public education cripples our kids, and why†, written by John Taylor Gatto, is papered with evidences. Even though the literal beauty does not exist in the essay, he starts out blocking all the possible arguments that could be created in the first place by placing evidences in his essay everywhere, unable to criticize on his content, reflection and analysis. Such small concept such as boredom is ruining modern day schooling, according to Gatto. He starts off by how boredom overpowered the teachers and the students. Teachers are tired of students who are unwilling to learn, and students believe that teachers are unenthusiastic to teach. But Gatto believes that, mainly because he was influenced by his grandfather, that state of boredom has to be blamed on oneself, not others. And people who cannot handle the boredom are childish adults. This means that the way school is set up is already wrong. Unmotivated teacher and students in the school means failure to teach, meaning the function of the school is gone. â€Å"If we wanted to we could easily and inexpensively jettison the old, stupid structures and help kids take an education rather than merely receive a schooling †¦ But we don’t do that.† He denounces the current system, and also knows what is needed to be done. It’s true. Many of the teachers are not motivated to teach; it seems that they are waiting for their payday. Students are not motivated also – countless repeats of same concept, set academics – it seems even weird to be motivated. Gatto only uses logic to persuade the audience. All the evidence seems logical, and it seems morally right. Then he asks, â€Å"Do we really need school? I don’t mean education, just forced schooling: six classes a day, five days a week, nine months a year, for twelve years.† This question is actually frequently on topic. The questions are asked by different students every day, and even though it might seem like a legitimate question, He uses this question rhetorically to set up more evidences that shutdowns the argument of his opposite sides. He uses the Greats as an example, such as Twain, Carnegie, Rockefeller and Edison, who never went to high school. And right before, he uses Washington, Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, who were never part of the school system to prove his argument once again. Then he repeats, in different words, â€Å"What is the purpose of our public school?† And the answer was to become a good citizen, good people, and to be at one’s personal best, according to the cultural traditions. But the school system has been criticized so much by the scholars back in the days. Their argument is that the system of school’s originality is from Prussia, and adopted one of the worst aspects of Prussian culture: â€Å"an educational system deliberately designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens – all in order to render the populace â€Å"manageable.† This is an extremely controversial statement, but looking at the current society, people are busy feeding themselves more than fighting for what is right or sharing their own opinion about whatever. Then he quotes Inglis, a quite well-known Harvard Professor, claiming â€Å"the purpose of modern schooling is divided six basic functions.† â€Å"1. Adaptive Function – destroys the idea that useful or interesting material should be taught. 2. Integrating function – makes all the children alike as possible. 3. Diagnostic and directive function – determines each student’s proper social role by keeping a cumulative records. 4. Differentiating function – sorted by records and trained to their social role. 5. Selective function – favoritism, even if not meant. 6. Propaedeutic function – always cared, never stood alone.† According to Inglis and Gatto, this is how the school system works right now. The cultural tradition has been completely erased from the school mind, and Gatto uses perfect quote from Inglis to prove it. Even though some might argue that quote of Inglis might not be true, but it is from an influential and popular Harvard Professor, meaning it definitely has values to be looked at. Gatto does not leave space for any weak evidence in his essay. All the evidences and analysis are agreeable, even to people who does not understand completely because everything is logical. All of his evidences can be understood by knowing how the society is currently. At the end of the essay, he describes how people live on. He describes us as â€Å"trained to be employees and consumers,† which is true, in a society dream is only a dream and reality is reality. Overall, Gatto wrote an unarguable essay, and if so someone argues against Gatto, that someone will not have many supporters to breakdown the impact that Gatto left in his essay. Gatto, John Taylor. â€Å"Against School.† Harper’s Sept. 2003: 33-38. Print.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Corporate Strategies The good and the bad Assignment

Corporate Strategies The good and the bad - Assignment Example This is done by comparing prominent corporations and their strategies, and evaluating the results achieved in order to determine the actual success of the relevant Corporate Strategies. When looking at strategy as an academic field, it becomes clear that it is a relatively new academic discipline. Yet the concept of strategy has an important and high level background arising from the decisions and actions used by military organizations. Historically a countries military decision maker's was well equipped to design battle field strategies in order to gain the upper hand in a battle. This they done by exploiting the weaknesses of the enemies and the opportunities that offer itself during a battle in order to give an army a competitive edge that could ensure a victory. The earliest academic basis for strategy was provided by the fields of economics and organizations theory with relation to the management function. Economic theory emphasizing rationality, predictability and similarity did not fit well with the principals of strategic management, but it did provide an avenue for the beginning in the exploration of the role of management choices and decisions, which was seen as a strategic function. Academics such as Fredrick Taylor (scientific management), Max Weber (Bureaucratic Organizations), and Chester Barnard (administrative functions and the organization as an open system) provided important knowledge about efficient and effective organizations and the role managers played (Coulter. M. 2002. p15). During the late 50's and 60's was a time of questioning the traditional methods of customs and practices, even in management practices. The old ideas of set management principals was gradually being replaced by more contemporary ideas, based on the principal that every organization was different in its functioning, performance and available resources. Although strategy was not yet a separate area of study, a definite framework started emerging that could be used for further exploration and development of organizational strategies. Three books written in the 60's helped to establish organizational strategies as a separate academic field. These were Alfred Chandler's Strategy and Structure (1962); Igor Ansoff's Corporate Strategy (1965): and the Harvard textbook Business Policy: Text and Case (1965) by E.P Learned, C.R. Christensen, K.R Andrews, and W.D. Guth (Coulter. M. 2002. p15). Organizational strategy became an excepted academic field in the 70's and 80's, as scholars studied organizations, managers and their relevant strategies. During this time a dichotomy developed between academics trying to understand how strategies was formed and implemented (process researchers), and those seeking to understand the relationship between strategic choices and performance (content researchers). What became a well accepted fact was that companies with well formulated corporate strategies aligned throughout the business and implemented with vigor and purpose could ensure a huge competitive advantage. An excellent example is two of the retail industries largest competitors Wal-Mart and Kmart, both trying to dominate the market since 1962 when they were

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Pricing Strategy of Apple, Inc Research Paper

A Pricing Strategy of Apple, Inc - Research Paper Example Some of the software they are marketing includes the Mac OS X Operating System, iTunes media browser, the iWork suite of productivity software, iLife suite of multimedia and creativity, Final Cut Studio suite of professional audio and film-industry software products, Logic Studio suite of music production tools, Safari internet browser and iOS mobile operating system. It is believed that Apple Inc. highly influenced the Computer Industry (John). Â  Apple indeed established a unique and remarkable character and status in the consumer electronics industry. Apple has gained many loyal customers that are truly devoted to the company and to its products and brand, particularly in the United States. According to a news report based from the data in the year 2007, Apple Inc. is one of the high-technology companies with the significant number of loyal customers (Macnn, 2006). In the year 2008, the Fortune magazine, as the most well-liked company in the United States, also acknowledged Apple. Last March 2011, in the eighth annual American Brand Excellence Awards, Apple Inc. was recognized as the best brand that meets the need of small and midsized businesses. (Birmingham Business Journal, 2011) Lastly, on the United Kingdom T3 Awards, Apple won six of the twenty-five awards. Apple’s iPhone was scooped as the Most Anticipated Gadget or 2007, as voted by the Sky News online readers. On the hand, iPod was recognized as the Best Commuter Gadget, Best Music Gadget and Best Gadget of All Time (John).

Exemplary Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exemplary Research - Essay Example These two papers have been used to demonstrate how a management strategy can be built on the basis of intellectual capital for better performance in the goal achievement arena. To begin with, traditionally, organisations have been seen to work on the premise of three basic factors of production – land, labour and capital. These three factors have been hailed as equally important with labour always having occupied a special place of importance. In this regard, the three factors of production were enough to nicely and simply sum up the requirements of an organisation. (Nahapiet et al, 1998) The modern day organisation used four factors of production or four basic categories of resources: land, labour, capital and expertise. With the advent of various technologies and trends like globalisation, there has been a strong emphasis on the growth of manpower development along the lines of securing employees as long term assets in whose hands the growth of company lies. This is where the term expertise comes in. (Lumpkin et al, 1996) Expertise means many things to many people due to the sole reason that it includes a lot of elements that contribute to the organisation strength when it comes to the achievement of goals. This has basically been used in Non governmental organisations, but has recently been added to every corporation’s list of priorities. This brand of expertise gives rise to intellectual capital through a strategic growth and development process of the organisation’s human capital. These two papers deal with the study of intellectual capital as a form of social capital within the corporate sphere in terms of its brand asset relevance aspect. In this respect, it has been realised that intellectual capital needs to be measured to chart and track the course that is being followed by the organisation and the people within it, as far as reaching and achieving goals is concerned. (Nahapiet et al, 1998) Whether it is in the Research

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Iraq Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Iraq Memo - Essay Example Katrina victims, requiring nothing more than 2.5% of the total cost of the war to date, in relief aid, have not been granted those funds due to the unavailability of resources (Becker and Posner, 2004). In other words, the economic cost of the war is such that it is adversely affecting the quality of life in the country and capacity of federal and state governments to extend much need services to their populations. Iraq war has incited anti-American sentiments across the world, including in Europe. As Albrechtsen (2007) quotes a European thinker and writer, Markovitz as saying: "European anti-Americanism is becoming an unprecedented Europe-wide lingua franca †¦ key mobilizing agent for a common European identity.† Defense analysts maintain that troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan are â€Å"sapping’ American military power and undermining its capacity to effectively defend the mainland (Conetta, Knight and Murphy, 2004); and Apart from the political implications of the economic and the national security concerns cited in the above, the argument for a phased withdrawal from Iraq is further predicated on a set of domestic political concerns. Central to these concerns is the divisive nature of the war. The war in Iraq has divided the American people and, in so doing, has transformed the very concept of political debate and differences of opinion in this country, into conflict. While divisions and disagreements are not new to American society, they have only reached their present heights in very few instances, such as the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War (Black and Black, 2007). This means that the very concept of national unity and cohesion, such as which make nations strong and ensure social stability, are being undermined by the Iraq War. This, in itself, is a strong and powerful indicator of the

Friday, July 26, 2019


IT GOVERNANCE WITH RISK MANAGEMENT IMPACT ON THE GOVERNMENT SECTOR BUSINESS STRATEGY - Essay Example It has the capability of influencing how the company objectives are set and achieved, how risks are being monitored and assessed and how the performances are being optimized. Applying the concept of governance to IT, Rego and Wilson (2012) define IT governance as the setting up of structures, processes and relational mechanisms around the way an organization aligns its IT strategy with its business strategy. IT is a critical element of governance and usually entails the study and use of systems such as computers and telecommunication equipments for storing, sending and retrieving information (Rego & Wilson, 2012). Erkens, Hung and Matos, (2012) place the responsibility of IT governance on the board of directors and the executive management. From this perspective, IT governance is seen to be a crucial part of the enterprise management and entails leadership and organizational structures and processes that ensure that the company IT sustains and extends to the organization strategy and objectives. From this definition, IT management remains a main actor within the IT governance process. However, although IT management and IT governance are closely related, the two concepts are different since IT management is in charge of providing effective IT services, with supplying and management of IT services and products. On the other hand, IT governance focuses on the performance and service deliv ery aimed at achieving the demands of customers and shareholders. IT governance is surrounded with risks, which means that risk management is inevitably a component of IT governance as well as corporate governance. It follows, therefore, that the teams responsible for the governance of a governmental entity must consider IT and understand how critical the risks are to the organization and manage them according to their priority level. This becomes more important when it is considered that the government sector often struggles to deal with inadequate or

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reflection and Research Essay Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Reflection and Essay - Research Paper Example In this way, more lives would end up being rescued. Nevertheless, many philosophers deviate with the method of killing of one healthy man to save lives. John Harris had tried to imagine an environment where in case anyone was in need of any kind of transplant it could be easily and successfully done2. It does not have to take long while people are in search of the organ. This means no one will ever have to kick the bucket simply because the organ she or he needs seem not reachable in any part of the world. This was a radiant thought considered seriously since the majority will get saved from death, but the fact that one person’s life has to be killed, makes the idea rather inappropriate to be put into consideration. They believe in the existence of a moral difference between killing and leaving to die. They claim that the dying and the existence of a life should be chances that human needs not to interfere with, though they have a duty that makes endurance of the maximum numbe rs of lives possible while dealing with life. It is suggested that the institutions of survival lottery have not gone so far to mitigate the harmful side effects in terms of terror and distress of the victims. Witnesses and the society would be occasioned by the doctors simply by snatching passers–by off the street and disorganizing them for the benefit of the less fortunate. The lottery scheme would give the option of life and death decision to the medical practitioners, and eliminate the possibility of such authority falling into the hands of a human being, though the fear and suffering would still remain. This would be considered a wrong deed biblically since the power of life and death does not reality on human hands. The doctors should do their level best in trying to save a life, but not kill the healthy for the option of the ill. Those that kick the bucket due to lack of organs should be considered to be Gods. There exist some legislative/judicial decisions that create a legal obligation and right in the lottery. The most prominent legislative rule is referred to as a defense of the survival lottery on utilitarian and Lockean grounds3. For the purpose of this concept, the operations will be perfect and that the society can make omniscient decisions and suggest that the use of computers, although the means are considered extraneous. By scheming an essential processing unit algorithm, pitfalls in the scheme would be prevented. The difficulties that arise from the elderly having a high demand for organs would be collected by introducing age into the algorithm. Overdrinking and smoking should be considered. The processor would be planned in order to maximize utility, and each exchange would result in the development just by definition4. Another key point of the second treatise of government is intolerance for arbitrary decision; the survival lottery is random in choosing who will give life to others in scenery. It should be uncovered that the lottery is not arbitrary is random. Finally, Locke requires that either the citizens to be consent to the system, tactically or explicitly through the legislature if the lottery survival is a non-arbitrary the overall preservation of the society with the consent of the majority5. He agrees that a soldier has the responsibility to protect local individuals of a certain boundaries or

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Understanding of a conventional family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Understanding of a conventional family - Essay Example The Christian understanding of values is also very interesting. When to look deeply into the context of this issue we can see that a major part of Christians is looking for a brief, understandable, straightforward, intelligent, faithful presentation of the Bible. When to look deeply into Bible we can see that this book has its own ideas about marriage, family, divorce, remarriage, homosexuality, abortion, birth control, infertility, adoption, and singleness. This foundation is presented in the form of timely, well-informed, balanced, and pastorally wise prescriptions. The given ideas make the book something like a solid instruction that presents additional information to teachers, preachers, and other congregations involved in the case. The given book also has its ideas about popular treatments of marriage and the family. With his extensive background, the researcher provided people with an extensive background related to how people should treat such issues as gender and sexuality. T he same thing can be told about sensitivity issue. This issue is also combined with keen biblical insight. Finally, I would say that marriage and family are good gifts from a great God. These gifts are very important when we want to get a deep understanding of family and its role in our present society. Unfortunately, many of family issues are being neglected. Definition of a family was not a problem a few decades ago because the notion was stable and almost the same in any culture or nationality.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Signifance of Susan King Taylor During The Civil War Research Paper

The Signifance of Susan King Taylor During The Civil War - Research Paper Example Notable among them was Susan King Taylor of Georgia, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman. In April 1861, when Maj. Gen. David Hunter attacked Fort Pulaski, he freed all of the slaves in the area, including King. The new found freedom became a spring board through which King was to serve in the Civil War with profound effect3. Much of the reliable information on King’s roles and engagements before, during and after the Civil War are self written in her memoir, â€Å"A black woman’s Civil War memoirs: Reminiscences of my life in camp with the 33rd U.S. Colored Troops, Late 1st South Carolina Volunteers†. Susan King Taylor was born in slavery on August 8, 1848, on Grest Farm, Isle of Wight in Georgia. As a seven year old, King moved to Savannah where she lived with her maternal grandmother, it is while here that she was first encouraged to enroll in school and she eventually attended clandestine school4. She continued with her education until she was 14 when she esca ped with her uncle’s family to the Union-controlled St. Catherine Island. The escape was enabled by the successful occupation of Fort Pulaski by the Union. Following the occupation, US Gen. David Hunter released all slaves and granted them freedom allowing Susie’s uncle to take the entire family to St Catherine’s island5. ... King married Sergeant Edward King of the South Carolina Volunteers, later known as the 33rd U.S. Colored Infantry. At around the same time, she was hired as the regiment’s laundress. This was her first opportunity to serve in the Civil War as she extensively travelled with the regiment a factor that provided her with great insight into the intricacies of the War7. This factor is especially brought out in her memoir where she describes activities and engagements during the War in great detail. Though initially a laundress, King was later to become a nurse as the number of injured soldiers soared and greater need for specialized care arose, she would also serve as a cook for the regiment8. The extent of her involvement in the Civil War is intense, at least this is the impression one gets on reading through her memoir. Apart from the first few pages of the close to a hundred page memoir, the rest of it focuses on military life. Her military life evolves through two parties, self and the work and engagements of her husband’s regiment, which she served in9. The first recount of her military involvement occurs in 1862 when she was relocated to Beaufort, South Carolina where she served as a laundress. It is here that she first witnessed the full extent of the War, she narrates of frequent battles and intersperses giving an account of both personal experience and the regiment’s activities. Although initially hired as a laundress, King did very little of this, this was majorly due to the immediate needs of the soldiers who required tutoring and medical care10. While serving in the War, she made use of every skill and knowledge she had gathered in her then tender life, she would spend time teaching the soldiers and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Explore the role of nature Essay Example for Free

Explore the role of nature Essay In the first three opening sections of Tess of the DUrbervilles, nature plays many a significant role. It acts as a storytelling device, helping the plot of the story to move and develop; it acts as a mirror for Tess feelings and the feelings of others; it adds atmosphere to the plot itself. Most importantly, it plays a major role in Tess wellbeing, but this role is often thwarted by the actions of man and the actions of mans Church the two are often in conflict, and these sections often explore this. We first see Tess taking part in an activity, clubwalking, with many of her friends and surrounding neighbours. All the people taking part are women, and it is a very simple activity; it is only them and the surrounding nature. This suggests that they share a harmony with their surroundings, and also that it is very feminine and pure, much like Tess at the beginning of the novel. As Tess emerges from this, we associate nature with her almost immediately. Angel also appears from this setting, with his two brothers, and he seems more connected with nature than he does with their religion. His brothers seem uptight and stuffy dancing with a troop of country hoydens! being an indication of this whilst he seems more carefree and willing to interact. In this way, Tess and Angel are instantly connected for the reader, and nature appears to shelter and protect them. However, Angel chooses another girl to dance with, marring the experience and implying that there is more to the situation; perhaps they are not so perfect. It implys that where nature creates a situation, man can often disrupt it, through their actions and religion. It therefore acts as a device for dramatic irony and foreshadows further events in the book. The death of the family horse, one of the more important contributors to Tess decision to work for the dUrbervilles, is caused by both nature and man. Tess falls asleep during her coach ride, and nature fails to keep her awake. It could be argued that it was enticing her to go to sleep, and therefore was a main conspirator against her. However, a man kills her horse (the morning mailcart had driven into her slow and unlighted equipage). The death of her horse is a combination of the two, and it seems as though nature is working with man to contribute to her ruin, although it may also be looked on as nature trying to protect her and, again, man disrupting it the two forces work against each other. Tess family had already raised the idea of her going to work for an old family (although Tess was against this when her younger brother questioned her on it she burst out never mind that now! ) but this new factor makes Tess think that she is responsible and must therefore help her family in their time of need. She has no choice in the matter; nature and fate, it seems has decided it for her she had hoped to become a teacher at the school, but the fates seemed to decide otherwise. It suggests that nature has carved out its own path for Tess. Due to the death of the horse, and at the persuasion of her family, Tess leaves for Trantridge. She plans to gain work from the DUrbervilles that live there. As readers, we are informed that they are not real DUrbervilles like Tess and her family; the father in the family, Simon Stoke, bought the name once he had made his money from being a merchant, in order to appear more grand to the rest of society they are not natural DUrbervilles, and Tess has been tricked. This is an example of man meddling with nature nature did not give them that name and they are therefore imposters. Trantridge itself, the house where the Stoke-DUrbevilles like, seems out of place with the surrounding nature; it is described as of recent erection of the rich red colour that formed such a contrast with the evergreens . It is far more modern and different from its surrounding and therefore appears almost sinister Nature did not intend for it to be there. Tess is assigned to work on the fancy farm belonging to the DUrbervilles. This small poultry farm seems unnecessary and frivolous, and is not needed in natures scheme it is merely the whim of man, much as Tess is for Alec in the novel. In this way, nature and its parts act as a mimic for the story. When Alec DUrberville first meets Tess, he immediately begins to seduce her. He feeds her strawberries one of natures most seductive fruits, due to its rich red colour and is riveted by the form that nature has given her. In this way, nature unwittingly works against Tess; by making her appear more of a woman than she already was, it has caused Alec to be immensely attracted to her. However, during the cart ride from her family home to his, when he has attempted to kiss her and she has dismounted under the pretences of saving her hat, he tries to use nature against her by hemming her in with his cart against the fence. She, however, uses nature to save her and talks to him from the top of the hedge into which she had scrambled nature assists her here. Just before Tess rape, the descriptions of wood are dark and unforgiving, with webs of vapour forming veils against the trees. Nature shows its darker side, and indicates what is about to happen. What happens to Tess, however, is a vital part of Nature perhaps nature assumes it is helping her in this way. It could be argued that nature here is working against Tess to set the next events in motion, or that nature is giving her a form of gift sex and pregnancy is widely regarded as natures highest privelege. Human religion and attitudes, however, view it as a sin. The Church is in conflict with natures ideas here that these acts are a vital part of life and therefore later outcasts Tess the slogans painted on the fences around Marlott such as the beginning of thou shalt not commit adultery emphasise this in our minds. Alecs attitude towards Tess after, when she leaves, suggest that he feels that it was Tess fault, for being so beautiful and irresistible to him; in reality, that is the fault of nature. Once she has left Alecs house, Tess feels she has discovered the true meaning of nature to her; the serpent hisses where the sweet bird sings. This phallic imagery shares a link to Troys sword in Far From the Madding Crowd, another popular book by Thomas Hardy for them both, nature leads them to men, men lead to their heartaches. To Tess, nature has exposed its dark underbelly and she feels robbed of natural beauty; what has happened to her, however, is a natural act, but in the eyes of man and the church, it is an unforgivable sin. This is empahasised in She had been made to break an accepted social law, but no law known to the environmet in which she fancied herself such an anomaly. When we meet Tess again, after a period of time has passed, we see her working in the local fields. The women working are described as assimilated with the fields nature wishes to protect them. However, when Tess works, she bleeds from the stubble on the corn; nature appears to be punishing her, or she punishes herself by working herself too hard. It is then revealed that Tess has a newborn baby, which is widely regarded as the greatest gift Nature offers. For Tess, and for man, however, this separates her from them she has sinned in their eyes; she still cannot resist pull of motherhood though, and her feelings for her baby are mixed and confused. Once she has decided she loves her child, nature takes it back when it dies from illness. The Church adds suffering for Tess when they refuse to bury it on concecrated ground; nature and the Church work together to upset Tess. Nature, at least, takes it from its suffering that it would have faced from mankind; the baby would never have been properly accepted. When Tess goes to work in Richard Cricks dairy, we see the idyllic side of nature once more. Here, nature mirrors Tess feelings and attitude there is a change in the quality of air from heavy to light, and we feel that the nature in the Valley of Great Dairies is far lighter and carefree for Tess; it will become her salvation for a time being, as nobody knows of her past here. She feels a connection with nature, and we have a sense that Tess is natures child she belongs to it far more than she does to mans Church. Nature saves her from herself, and the hard work with nature grants her peace. It also serves as an escape from Church, and has granted her this opportunity either as an apology or to set her up for more heartache. At the dairy, she is reunited with Angel Clare, a figure we havent seen since the opening chapters of the book. His description as a figure rising out of the past and a mobility of mouth with an unexpectedly firm close of the lower lip gives us an idea of his character nature has given him a look with compliments his personality. His mouth gives an indication that, although he is open to ideas, he can be unexpectedly firm in his ideals, a slightly chilling prediction of the events to come. Tess mouth, by contrast, is described firstly as a mobile peony mouth; like her, it is full and beautiful, and also everchanging. Nature presents Tess to Angel as a fresh and virginal daughter of Nature -although her past contradicts this ideal, Angel regards her image as perfect in every way. Nature could be seen as tricking him or trying to make amends and improve Tess life. However, with the latter, the Church seems to oppose these ideas, and this is the cause of her heartache mans inability to work with nature. In the romance of Angel Clare and Tess, nature tries to help them come together, with romantic settings such as a violet and pink dawn. There is the incident with the butter tasting like garlic, forcing Angel and Tess to work together on the mead, and the butter not churning properly (which, according to the dairyman, happens only when love is affecting it, although the story he tells is far more similar to that of Tess and Alec than that of Tess and Angel.) There is, too, the rising rain before church that seems to force them to come together, and although Angel has to carry Three Leahs to get one Rachel, he feels as though the trial was worth it for a moment with Tess. However, when they finally embrace while Tess is milking, the cow reacts unfavourably perhaps nature has realised what the consequences of its actions may be and is therefore trying to stop the romance. In this way, nature still tries to look out for Tess it is very much a mother figure to her.

Paragraphes of text body Essay Example for Free

Paragraphes of text body Essay The second paragraph of the body should contain the second strongest argument, second most significant example, second cleverest illustration, or an obvious follow up the first paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the reverse hook which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the first paragraph of the body. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the third paragraph of the body. The third paragraph of the body should contain the weakest argument, weakest example, weakest illustration, or an obvious follow up to the second paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the reverse hook which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the second paragraph. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional concluding hook that signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this paper.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Octopus Cards Limited Information Technology Essay

The Octopus Cards Limited Information Technology Essay Octopus Cards Limited is wholly owned by Octopus Holdings Limited. The Octopus Cards is a contactless smartcard which can be used for public transport and for others payment and nonpayment application. The Octopus smartcard system was launched in September 1997. Octopus Cards system is the most popular smartcard system in the world with more than 95% market share in Hong Kong. Octopus Cards Limited has over 10m daily transactions and values over HK$90m. In this discussion paper, the innovation and creativity technology adopted by the Octopus Cards limited in Hong Kong will be addressed. Radical and Product innovation Awareness of problem and identify Market needs Being an international financial center, Hong Kong has a well-developed and efficient public transportation network. The increasing number of passengers has created a need and opportunity for transport operators to develop a more comprehensive ticketing system. Ideas Generation of Octopus Cards In the past, besides the use of coins for fare payment, MTR used magnetic plastic cards technology for single journey and its stored value ticket. However, the magnetic plastic cards only can be used in the MTR. In 1993 the MTR took the lead in reviewing its fare collection technology and it was found out the contactless smartcard technology is the most appropriate platform for future need. In 1994, MTR joined with other four major public transport operators namely, KCRC, KMB, Citybus and Hong Kong Yaumati Ferry (HKF) to form a joint venture company named Creative Star Limited (later as Octopus Cards Limited in 2002) to oversee the contactless smartcard systems development and implementation. (Ref: Appendix I) Octopus Technology-Product innovation The Octopus Cards is manufactured by Sony. It has a built-in IC chip and can communicate with different fare processors through the use of card reader/writer. User simply holds the Octopus Card over a reader after hearing a Dong sound, the correct fare amount will be deducted from the card automatically. The features of Octopus Cards are convenient and fast, secure and reliable, efficient and accurate, cost saving, contactless, multi-usage, easy reloading, and can be applied on discounts/loyalty programmes. The reasons for Octopus Cards success Octopus card fulfills the Cooper and Kleinschmidt (1991) three key factors for innovation success: product unique feature, proficiency of predevelopment and market needs (Szeto R. Cheng E., From Creative People to Innovative Organisations, 2010, Pg 157). The company also does well on below: Joint Ventures with other-synergies effect New technology is often risky and when the cost of entry into a new market or the cost of a new product becomes too large, the stakes become too high for a single organization. (Szeto R. Cheng E., From Creative People to Innovative Organisations, 2010, Pg 135) Use Co-operation strategies lead to the success of Octopus. When the MTR management developed the payment system, they co-operated with other transport operators rather than self development of own payment system. Another benefit from joint venture was widen the business network. Octopus system technology allows passengers to travel across multiple public transport modes using one single card. With wide system coverage and support for the public transport operator, Octopus system becomes popular and gains fast acceptance to public. Identify the market needs and consumer behavior. In previous years, the consumer only can use credit card and EPS as an electronic payment tools. However the credit card and EPS cannot be used for small amount of payment. Moreover the credit card company has to review the applicant credit status before approval. Octopus Cards can tackle these market loopholes. Most of passengers are not willing to carry lots of coins, with the advantage of Octopus Cards, it provides a convenient way to them. With its security features, same as store value card, the customers are more willing to use Octopus Cards to buy small value things. In addition, the contactless design also provides convenience to passengers without withdrawing cards from wallets. Innovation and multi usage function Octopus Cards IC chips can storage difference data. As a result, octopus system can be widely used in transport, parking, retail, self service business, leisure facilities, wet markets, school and property access control. Current innovation business Octopus Cards Limited is a newly formed company. The company has clear goal Continuously innovate and delight our customers. Its slogan is Making Everyday Life Easier. Nowadays, 95% of Hong Kong people have at least one Octopus Cards. The company targets on two types of customers: B2B (retail shops, KCR, MTR, etc) and B2C (public). The product life cycle and market has seemed to reach maturity. To sustain the business, the Octopus Cards Limited has adopted customer diffusion to extend the customer base. In October 2005, Octopus Holdings Limited formed three new subsidiaries to target non-payment business of Octopus, which includes Octopus Rewards Limited, Octopus International Projects Limited and Octopus China Investment Limited. (Ref: Appendix II) Non-payment Application The Octopus Rewards Programme is a type of loyalty programme. It allows customers to earn and redeem cash reward, regardless of payment means. With this common platform, participating merchants can offer tailor-made discounts or special offers to their consumers without having any new rewards systems. Over 2.3 million customers have registered for the programme and they can enjoy the benefits at over 20 participating merchants. Incremental product The Octopus Cards Limited broadens their income source by targeting the business on Sold Octopus and Bank Issued Octopus and corporate custom-made octopus. Sold Octopus Cards The Sold octopus is a specially designed Octopus Cards, including key chains, ornaments, watches and commemorative limited edition cards, theres an Octopus to suit your lifestyle. For example: Hello Kitty Octopus Cards. Octopus Cards is not only for the purpose of payment but also becomes a kind of fashion. Bank Issued Octopus Today most people have registered the Automatic Add Value Service (AAVS) to reload the Octopus Cards values. Octopus starts to cross over their products with Credit Card Company. For example: Citibank Octopus Visa card. The customer can enjoy both octopus reward and credit card benefit. Octopus for corporation The Octopus Company creates a compelling marketing tool with a Corporate Octopus, Corporate Mini Octopus, or customized Octopus premium to enhance the corporate image. Process Innovation In the past, Octopus system only can be used on large chain store, e.g., Cafà © De Coral or 7-Eleven etc. The Octopus Cards Limited does not have enough resources to broaden their business to some small stores or small business areas. The expensive installation and monthly charges also create the barrier for the small business to use their product. Recently, Octopus Cards Limited appointed four Octopus service providers: Bank of China, Hang Seng Bank, PCCW, Union Cash Register Co., Ltd. The providers can help rent the octopus reader with a much cheaper monthly fee. Octopus Cards Limited can take advantage of the synergies effect by using the strength of the service providers to penetrate all segments of retail sectors faster. Ideas recommendation for future opportunity Incremental product Resizing the Card Reader Octopus Cards Limited can redesign the current card reader. Octopus Cards involves many design mini-Octopus Cards. But the size card reader and design remain unchanged. The company can design slim size reader, support wireless and 3Generation network. The slim size and 3Gs Octopus Cards Reader can apply in Charity Flag Day, Taxi fare payment or in Newspaper Hawker. In addition, it can be used on online shopping or TV shopping. The slim size card reader can also be installed in laptop and television. The public may use the octopus card reader at home to settle the payment in future. Multi Currencies Support Octopus Cards can use some creative swiping techniques such as Dual Currency Debit Card(à ©Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¹Ã‚ £Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ ¡) technique. People can use two types currency Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) or Renminbi (RMB). The Octopus Cards Limited can partner with China Bank to issue these types of Dual Currency Octopus Cards. Cross over Product The Octopus Cards Limited can cooperate with Phone Company. Most peoples have mobile phone and Octopus Cards. These two things become necessary for Hong Kong Peoples lives. Cross over product like the octopus mobile phone can be a future trend. For the process innovation Alliance with credit card company Besides the product innovation, Octopus system can join alliance with Credit Card Company. As credit card system with advance technology and well-developed global network, sharing experience can enhance Octopus system to penetrate to global market easier. Consultancy services Octopus Cards Limited is a success and experienced company on smartcard technology. The company can use its knowledge to provide consultancy service to other countries and to share their technology and services for potential customer. VIP membership card service Nowadays, most people have over a dozen of discount or VIP cards for various shops or restaurants. Carrying them all around is impractical. Octopus can try to develop VIP or loyalty cards. In future, peoples can bring one Octopus Cards to enjoy shopping and VIP service. For the merchant, it can be easier for them to track the consumer usage and spending pattern. Increase customer Satisfaction Today Octopus holder can only check balance and transaction in Octopus Enquiry Machines at MTR stations, some 7-Eleven or Circle-K outlet or PCCW eye device. To enhance the customer needs, Octopus Card can establish platform for card user s to download the transaction statement via the Internet. In addition, with the needs of global market and concern on security issues, the company should shorten the lost card processing time, say, from now 6 hours to real time block card. Conclusion Innovation is the cornerstone of Octopus success. With a clear goal, Octopus Card becomes the most famous innovation product. Product feature and the innovation strategy both are important for the company. In future, Octopus can utilize their competitive advantage and market leader position to formulate more creativity ideas to make our lives easier. Appendix Joint venture shareholder of Octopus Holdings Limited Source from: Octopus Holiding Limited Corporate Structure of Octopus Holdings Limited Source from: Octopus Holiding Limited

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Self-Determination in Arab Society :: Arabic Culture Cultural Essays

Self-Determination in Arab Society Since World War Two, much of the developing world has been in transition. One such idea that saw a re-birth was that of self-determination-- be it on the national level or on the personal level. Self-determination on a national level means the independence of a country; on a personal level, it is the determination of one own fate. This can be seen in various ways with our five women characters, Maha, Um Saad, Nadia, Yusra and Suad. In the forward of Daughters of Abraham, Karen Armstrong notes that Islam is "adamantly opposed to the subjection of one human being by another," "insist that men and women were created by God image" and "both sexes have equal rights and responsibilities before God." Strong and resourceful women have played a key role in history and yet Islam has pushed women into an inferior and marginal position, excluding them from full participation in the social, cultural and religious life of the community. Even though figures such as the prophet Muhammad had a positive view of women, relied on them, and treated them as valued equals, some of the most respected sages and theologians have preached outright misogyny. In Rethinking Women and Islam, Amira Sonbol remarks that while the "vision of equality has been one of the mainsprings and central teachings of Islam," it is not extended to women. Rather the numerous Quranic references to equality between man and woman are commonly disregarded, "as the man is given superior moral and physical role as guardian over his wife." It is this type of understanding that is rooted into Arab culture whether or not Arab women have experienced great changes in modernization and industrialization. Therefore, it is imperative that women stand up for themselves and have a sense of self-determination. Self Determination Women were among the first converts to Islam, and the Koran gave women rights of inheritance and divorce that Western women did not receive until the nineteenth century. The Koran does not describe the wearing of the veil of all women as well as seclusion. However, Karen Armstrong notes that three of four generations after the prophet death, Muslims imitated the customs of the Greeks and the Persians in their empire who had long treated their women in this way. Moreover, in her view, Muslims also picked up some of the Christian misogyny and pre-modern legal codes like the Shariah "reduced women to the rank of second-class citizens even though the ideal of the equality of all believers was crucial to the Quran message.

14th Amendment -EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW Essay -- essays researc

EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW In school especially, as well as throughout our daily lives, we learn in America to live by the idea of freedom and equality for all. We do not allow race, class, or creed to determine a person’s stature in the community. It may seem as if this is the standard of society, but these ideas of equality have been fought over since the beginning of written history, and even in America today, prejudice still exists. To address these and similar problems, the founding fathers of this nation created a Constitution which included laws that dealt with individual freedoms. However great the founding fathers envisioned the United States Constitution, it did not form a perfect union and justice for all. America would have to amend, or add to, the Constitution in order to serve its constituents better. The most powerful constitutional act towards equality would come with the fourteenth amendment. This amendment permanently changed constitutional law by empowering the Federal government†™s jurisdiction to include local and state governments which would be required to abide by new standards of civil rights and privileges. In 1791, the states ratified ten amendments to the United States Constitution. These became known as the Bill of Rights, a cornerstone in providing individual liberty. The United States Senate dropped one of the original proposals stating, â€Å"No state shall violate the equal rights of conscience or the freedom of press or trial by jury in crimi...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Feminist Ideas the Screwball Comedy Film Genre Essay -- Feminism Essay

The Screwball comedy is a film genre that found its way onto the screens in the early 1930s and lasted till the early 1940s. They were a consequence of the newly adapted censorship law in 1934 that restricted addressing adult content on screen. They therefore incorporated more comedic and creative ways of symbolizing topics such as sex and homosexuality. Screwball comedies were mainly based on plots that had conflict between social classes as their many premise and always had a happy ending which was almost always marriage. This consistent maintenance of the status quo of marriage is a major aspect of feminism depicted in screwball comedies (Heather 26). While advocating for marriage, screwball comedies highlighted the shift in the foundations of marriage and greatly highlighted the growth of feminism in light of a shift in roles and expectations surrounding this institution. Feminism is motivated by the need to establish equality between the genders since most feminists attribute women’s problems to inequality between the two genders. Therefore, by way of a collection of political movements and social theories, feminists seek to curb this inequality between men and women. It is important to note that the equality sought after by feminists is not just economic and political, but also social equality. According to Heather Gilmour, The institution of marriage during the pre-modern era or the Victorian era was based on inequality as the roles to be fulfilled by both genders for the success of the marriage were essentially different (Heather 26). As the roles kept changing over time due to different circumstances, so did the expectations of marriage and along with that, the rise of feminist movement. Screwball comedies such as It... ...r to be pragmatic and cautious when drawing lessons from screwball comedies. Works Cited Gilmour, Heather. â€Å"Journal of Film and Video.† Different, except in a Different way: Marriage, Divorce, and Gender in the Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1998. 26 – 39. Print. It Happened One Night. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable. Columbia Pictures. 1999. DVD. Shumway, David, R. â€Å"Cinema Journal.† Screwball Comedies: Constructing Romance, Mystifying Marriage. Texas: University of Texas Press, 1999. 7 – 23. Print. Willet, Cynthia. â€Å"Cultural Critique.† Baudrillard, â€Å"After Hours†, and the Postmodern Suppression of Socio-Sexual Conflict. Minnesota: University Of Minnesota Press, 1996. 143 – 161. Print. Woman of the Year. Dir. George Stevens. Perf. Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn. MGM. 1997. DVD. Feminist Ideas the Screwball Comedy Film Genre Essay -- Feminism Essay The Screwball comedy is a film genre that found its way onto the screens in the early 1930s and lasted till the early 1940s. They were a consequence of the newly adapted censorship law in 1934 that restricted addressing adult content on screen. They therefore incorporated more comedic and creative ways of symbolizing topics such as sex and homosexuality. Screwball comedies were mainly based on plots that had conflict between social classes as their many premise and always had a happy ending which was almost always marriage. This consistent maintenance of the status quo of marriage is a major aspect of feminism depicted in screwball comedies (Heather 26). While advocating for marriage, screwball comedies highlighted the shift in the foundations of marriage and greatly highlighted the growth of feminism in light of a shift in roles and expectations surrounding this institution. Feminism is motivated by the need to establish equality between the genders since most feminists attribute women’s problems to inequality between the two genders. Therefore, by way of a collection of political movements and social theories, feminists seek to curb this inequality between men and women. It is important to note that the equality sought after by feminists is not just economic and political, but also social equality. According to Heather Gilmour, The institution of marriage during the pre-modern era or the Victorian era was based on inequality as the roles to be fulfilled by both genders for the success of the marriage were essentially different (Heather 26). As the roles kept changing over time due to different circumstances, so did the expectations of marriage and along with that, the rise of feminist movement. Screwball comedies such as It... ...r to be pragmatic and cautious when drawing lessons from screwball comedies. Works Cited Gilmour, Heather. â€Å"Journal of Film and Video.† Different, except in a Different way: Marriage, Divorce, and Gender in the Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1998. 26 – 39. Print. It Happened One Night. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable. Columbia Pictures. 1999. DVD. Shumway, David, R. â€Å"Cinema Journal.† Screwball Comedies: Constructing Romance, Mystifying Marriage. Texas: University of Texas Press, 1999. 7 – 23. Print. Willet, Cynthia. â€Å"Cultural Critique.† Baudrillard, â€Å"After Hours†, and the Postmodern Suppression of Socio-Sexual Conflict. Minnesota: University Of Minnesota Press, 1996. 143 – 161. Print. Woman of the Year. Dir. George Stevens. Perf. Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn. MGM. 1997. DVD.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training Essay

The Teaching Role and Responsibilities In Education And Training The role of ‘teacher’ is an infinitely varied one, but there certain principles which underpin all aspects of the teaching role. Whether we are attempting to teach from personally acquired experience or knowledge, or from third party information, the process of teaching can be formalized into a structured process with the aim of maximizing the potential for learning. Numerous models exist with the aim of outlining the key stages of this process. For example, Gravells (2010) identifies them as such: Identification of Need →Planning and Design→Delivery/Facilitation→Assessment→Evaluation In order to undertake each of these stages successfully, the role of the teacher becomes multi-faceted. For example, conducting initial interviews with students helps to establish individual aims and identify particular learning styles such as those recognised by Honey & Mumford (1992). This should enable to the teacher to tailor their teaching style and utilize a variety of methods, while also providing an opportunity to set clear goals which can be used as a benchmark when reviewing students’ progress. Accurate documentation of this is essential and forms part of the teachers’ responsibility. Furthermore, whilst undertaking these roles as a teacher, it is vitally important to consider the parameters in which we must operate. These are most likely to be defined by legal requirement – for example the Equality Act (2010) or the policies or the organization for which we may be working. Ultimately, it is down to the individual teacher to ensure their own professional conduct at all times. References: Equality Act (2010). London: HMSO. Available at: Accessed 25/11/2014. Gravells, A (2010) ‘Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector’. 3rd Ed. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd. Honey P., Mumford A. (1992) ‘The Manual of Learning Styles’ 3rd Ed. Maidenhead, Peter Honey. Summarise Key Aspects Of Legislation, Regulatory Requirements And Codes Of Practice Relating To Own Role And Responsibilities There are many aspects to consider when discussing the conduct of a teacher and the requirements therein. Some of these are legal frameworks, others are more informal but equally important in terms of setting out guidelines for good practice. All of these requirements, when adhered to, help to ensure that as teachers, we are providing a safe, secure and successful learning environment. As students, they provide reassurance that care will be taken to promote inclusivity, maintain trust and ensure wellbeing. Some Codes of Practice will be designed to suit individual environments and will vary accordingly. Therefore care should be taken to ensure we are familiar with the particular requirements of the company or institution in which we are operating. Other codes are overarching and apply in all circumstances. One of the more recent of these is the ‘Statutory Special Educational Needs and Disability System for Children And Young People’ (SEND) which came into force on 1 September 2014 and explains the duties of schools and colleges to provide adjustments and aids for disabled children and young people up to 25. Legal acts which are underpinned by law are further reaching but equally apply. These include things such as the long standing 1974 Health and Safety  and Work Act, which ensures the â€Å"health, safety and welfare of persons at work† as well as â€Å"protecting others against risks to health or safety in connection with the activities of persons at work†. However, in the constantly shifting legal landscape, we should be mindful of new legislation coming into force. Finally, there are, of course, directives issued by professional bodies such the Institute for Learning which has a Code of Professional Practice (2008) covering 7 key areas: Integrity Respect Care Practice Disclosure Responsibility References: Department for Education (2014). ‘SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years’. Available at: Accessed 29/11/2014 Institute for Learning (2008). ‘Code of Practice’ Available at: Accessed 1/12/2014 Explain Why It Is Important To Identify And Meet Individual Learner Needs As we have established previously, the first step in the (Gravells, 2010). Teaching and Learning Cycle is ‘Identifying need’. Without properly ascertaining this, the further steps in the cycle become more difficult to achieve and the chance for success is significantly diminished. Furthermore, informing learners of objectives creates a level of expectation for learning (Gagne, 1965). In order to avoid this outcome and the negative implications of failing to succeed, we must have a clear approach. Prior to the start of any learning activity, there will, by necessity be a  process which ostensibly is an administrative exercise. However, these interactions provide an excellent opportunity to engage with students in a way which could provide useful information. For example, noting that a student may have difficulty with grammar or spelling when completing a written questionnaire may indicate a greater need for support with literacy. Or, a student struggling to get to grips with viewing digital information such as a Powerpoint or PDF file could highlight a lack of I.T skill. It is important that we use all of these tools at our disposal, as acknowledging a perceived ‘flaw’ in ourselves is not always an easy thing to do. Students may be unwilling because of stigma or embarrassment or simply through an inability to recognize that a problem exists, which is an issue in roughly 30% of adults (Skills for Life Survey, 2011). However, individual needs may not be only be based on academic ability or skillset, there are a multitude of different needs which may exist and it is important to consider a holistic approach. Some students may have no difficulty with course content but may be distracted by other personal problems which affect their ability to learn. These could include financial difficulty, bereavement or an underlying health issue. Ultimately, the importance of identifying and meeting learners’ needs is about providing the best possibility for successful learning through providing support where it is most needed. References: Gagnà ©, R. M. (1965). ‘The conditions of learning and theory of instruction’ (1st ed.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston: New York. Gravells, A (2010) ‘Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector’. 3rd Ed. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd. Skills for Life Survey (2011). Department for Business, Innovation & Skills. Available at: Accessed 1/12/14. Explain Ways To Maintain a Safe And Supportive Learning Environment As part of providing students with the best opportunity for success, it is crucial that the learning environment is both safe and supportive. These aspects are intertwined in that their aim is to create an environment where consideration for all matters other than the subject itself can be put aside to concentrate on learning. When operating in any environment, safety is the first issue. A risk assessment should be carried out prior to beginning any teaching session to establish whether hazards exist, and if so what extent they pose a risk (Trades Union Congress, 2008). These factors should also be assessed dynamically and any new or developing threat should be treated as a priority. When working in an environment such as a client office or business premises, safety considerations should include awareness of the existing plan of evacuation in case of fire. Any issues which are identified (such as blocked exits etc) should be bought up with the client in a professional manner. Support for learners may be provided in several ways. On a personal level, it is ensuring inclusivity for all students, treating each individual with respect and tolerance, as well as providing individually tailored help to match the needs identified in the first stage of the Teaching and Learning Cycle (Gravells, 2008). However, support is also provided through recognizing the need to give adequate breaks and availability of resources required to undertake the learning process properly. It is vital that consideration is given to these factors in the planning stage so that support may be implemented pro-actively rather than reactively. References: Trades Union Congress (2008) ‘Risk Assessment’. Precision Printing: London. Available online at: Accessed 1/12/14 Gravells, A (2010) ‘Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector’. 3rd Ed. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd. Explain Why It Is Important To Promote Appropriate Behaviour and Respect For Others The importance of appropriate behavior is paramount as it will set the correct tone for a learning environment. Fundamentally, it is about the rights of learners to have access to, attend, and participate in their chosen learning experience regardless of their circumstances. (Equality Act, 2010) The best way to promote this is to set the example as the teacher (School of Educators, 2011). This can be achieved in a variety of ways. Ensuring that the planning of any session has been properly executed will help to demonstrate basic values such as organization, efficiency and punctuality and when delivering a session, using appropriate tone and language will exhibit the kinds of behaviour which we want to see reflected in students. It is also important that we are focused on the task at hand and are not distracted by outside influences. Something as simple as switching off a mobile phone could make all the difference. In that regard, requesting students to put their phones into ‘silent’ mode is something which could help to avoid them becoming distracted but also establishes a basic ground rule while not necessarily conveying the same message as ‘please all turn your phones off’. Where undesirable behaviour occurs, it is important to consider whether addressing it may in fact be more of a disruption than the behaviour itself, however, where it needs to be addressed, this should be done so quickly and professionally. However, it is important to note that students, like teachers should incorporate humour into learning. Using humour in the classroom shows that you are human and consequently encourages students to like and respect you. Being able to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake offers a good counterbalance to the moment when you must be strict and so helps lighten the classroom atmosphere (Cowley, 2007) Treating students as individuals but with equal respect will help to promote the same response from them. Therefore, care should be taken to listen to, appreciate and encourage individual contributions, this is especially true in the case of adult learners who bring their own experiences to the learning setting. References: Cowley, S. (2007) ‘Guerilla Guide to Teaching: The Definitive Resource for New Teachers’ (2nd Ed.) Continuum: London. Equality Act (2010). London: HMSO. Available at: Accessed 04/12/2014. School of Educators (2011). ‘The Characteristics of a Good Teacher’. Available online at: Accessed 4/12/14. Explain How the Teaching Role Involves Working with Other Professionals As a teacher, there will always be a requirement to liaise and work with other professionals, and this is likely to occur in a number of ways. When employed in a teaching role, we act as a representative of the organization which employs us, and we have a responsibility to represent that organization in a professional manner. Equally, when dealing with internal colleagues, whether a manager or a colleague at the same level of seniority, we are dutybound to treat others with respect, politeness and courtesy. Values which all form part of the Institute for Learning ‘Code of Practice’ (2008). Remembering that we have a responsibility to act according to these guidelines can be especially important when faced with other professionals who may be challenging or difficult in their approach. For example, in a  client situation, a Manager who is under pressure is annoyed because some of his staff are being abstracted from their usual duties to undertake training. In this situation, it is feasible that a degree of hostility may be directed toward the trainer. In acknowledging the managers concerns and highlighting the benefit of the training both to the staff and the manager, we may be able to defuse the situation rather than escalate it. Of course, students themselves can be professionals and care must be taken to acknowledge the professional standing of adult learners so that we do not condescend or patronize. However, we also have a responsibility to care for our students and where it is highlighted that a student may have a need or issue which requires third party support, we may need to act as an advocate or intervene to flag potential issues. Legislation such as The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) make it potentially necessary to liaise with other professional agencies and, depending on the nature of the matter, it may be appropriate to use care or discretion. In all cases, it is appropriate that we remain professional and impartial. References: Institute for Learning (2008). ‘Code of Practice’ Available at: Accessed 1/12/2014 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006). London: HMSO. Available at: Accessed 4/12/14 Explain the Boundaries Between the Teaching Role and Other Professional Roles In dealing with other professional roles, there must come a point at which the boundaries of our own role are recognized to avoid us ‘overstepping the line’. This can apply on either a professional or personal level and works in two ways: our behaviour toward others and their behaviour towards us. The key basis upon which these boundaries must be drawn are ethics. Ethics can be described as ‘The codes of conduct or moral principles recognized in a particular profession, sphere of activity, relationship, or other context or aspect of human life’ (Oxford English Dictionary, 2014) In particular, the teaching profession is deeply implicated in ethical concerns and considerations. (Carr, D. 2000.) Therefore, it is an issue which should be constantly at the forefront of our thinking as teachers and an awareness of ethics helps to define the boundaries between us and other professional roles. Some boundaries are not so much an issue of ethics, however, but more of practicality and there must be limits placed on what we can reasonably be expected to achieve. This could, for example, include something such as a client wishing us to condense a lesson into a shorter time to reduce the impact on their business. Whilst the motivation for this may be understandable, it could also be perceived to undermine the value of the lesson itself, or at the very least will have an effect on the quality of the teaching. Recognising this kind of boundary enables us to ensure the integrity of our aims as teachers. Oxford English Dictionary (2014) Available online at: Accessed 4/12/14. Carr, D. (2000). ‘Professionalism and ethics in teaching’.London: Routledge Describe Points of Referral To Meet The Individual Needs Of Learners The teacher/student relationship is a unique one and often provides opportunities to unearth or identify needs which have previously been unnoticed. These needs may be specific to helping someone become a more effective learner, (such as possible dyslexia) or could be a wider issue in terms of being affecting the individual students’ life beyond the classroom. These wider-reaching needs could be in any area of a persons’ life and broadly speaking, fall into one of 5 categories as identified by Maslow (1943): Our role in providing support to help a student meet the identified need will depend on the particular need itself. For example, a student who is  apparently lacking in one of the ‘upper needs’ such as self-esteem may benefit from more support, praise and encouragement. Some needs, however, will require external or third party input and this is where we may seek to access a point of referral. It may become clear to us in the process of teaching that a student is suffering a crisis affecting their overall wellbeing: Domestic abuse, homelessness, drug or alcohol misuse etc. In this instance, we can play an important role in referring someone to a service or organization who can provide assistance. So as to be sure that we are not misguided, the student themselves should be engaged initially and when help is offered, it can be simply through providing information, or if consent is given, we may choose to act as an advocate. Maslow, A.H (1943). ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’. Psychological Review (50)p.370-396.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Zipped World

The modern world is make full with conveniences that pack do non completely appreciate. There are numerous practical inventions, products of exceptional ingenuity and cognition which do not receive becoming acknowledgements from the public. People usually cover these peaks for tending(p) and fail to recognize their contribution in making life a brusque easier. An example of these scientifically engineered devices is the nada. Everyone encounters this simple item in their daily environment, but people often unconsciously neglect its existence.A prototype of the zero was first introduced during the 1800s by a man named Elias Howe. Back then, the zip gained little acceptance and minimal commercial-grade value. plainly throughout the years, this useful fix device was given more caution and finally became a staple line up fastener during the 1930s (Bellis, 2008, carve up 2). This shows that people have long ignored the dominance of the zipper in greatly impacting clothi ng, shoe, and another(prenominal) industries.Zippers are used in bond trousers, jackets, boots, and luggage as they can string out with considerable speed and efficiency, relative to the traditionalistic buttons. Zippers are most associated with jeans as denim companies have adopted this device in their clothing and have gained much popularity with it (Bellis, 2008, paragraph 8). In this independent world, self opinion is highly needed. This is one of the primary considerations that manufacturing companies take in developing their merchandise.The zipper allows children to stage themselves up with ease. Handicapped individuals also realise from zippers as they require minimal swither in clasping and opening (Bellis, 2008, paragraph 7). The zipper has revolutionized human clothing and has answered much of node demands. It is regularly seen in individuals, disguising themselves in simplicity. But its development is far from simple, and people mustiness never underestimate how greatly the zipper has improved the world.

Gender Stereotypes Essay

Gender Stereotypes Essay

What are gender stereotypes? They are â€Å"simplistic generalizations about the gender attributes, differences, and roles of individuals and/or groups. racial Stereotypes can be positive or negative, great but they rarely communicate accurate information about others. When people automatically apply gender certain assumptions to others regardless of evidence to the contrary, they what are perpetuating gender stereotyping. Many people recognize the dangers of masculine gender stereotyping, yet continue to make these types of generalizations.They are second one of the most common in advertising.Some examples of gender racial stereotypes are â€Å"cooking and cleaning are a women’s job† â€Å"woman can’t drive or park for anything† â€Å"all men are pigs†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ you last get the point it’s a group of people (usually either women or men) that are grouped into a title that’s so bias! Ugh I get so mad even talking about it I hate stere otypes! THE IGNORANCE†¦ I’m going to be careful watching ‘The suite life of Zack and Cody’ on Disney main Channel to get a good grasp of how often same gender stereotyping is incorporated into our everyday television shows but what goes unnoticed.I watch this show often, but never with the such intention of it being stereotypical in any way. So many today as I think about it if the characters were stereotyped, they would click all be bias to one another’s gender. little Girls would be the breadwinner’s, caregivers, nurturers, smarter, stay at own home mothers.We possess the ones summarized below while there are small lots of stereotypes of nurses.

Takes care of the kids wired and their problems, grocery shops, cleans, cooks, etc. The father is the breadwinner and is the only one who is bringing in the income to support the family.It’s almost a typical three old school American family. They have 3 children, 2 boys, 1 girl.Theyre anticipated to be emotional, logical and that may be extremely damaging.Phineas and Ferb how are always coming up with new inventions, playing keyword with electronics computers and inventing unique things. Just learning doing things most boys do in the stereotypical way. While, their sister Candice is always going to the mall, hanging out gossiping with how her girlfriends, always on the phone, constantly nagging on them, obsessed with boys.The show is very stereotypical eternal now that I think about it.Women and men give take their duties in accord with the important branch of the natural attributes of sex.

Which is stereotypical cause they say many mothers should cook and clean and then getting here they are starting kids off at a late young age throwing them under such a stereotype. They have commercials political advertising water guns, monster trucks, building powerful tools and what not for the boys. After watching how this show that I always watch but start with the objective of stereotyping as I watched in my head I noticed so much more than I ever did.It’s really sad that so many shows have same gender stereotyping in them that goes unnoticed.Women how are known to talk to their other girlfriends when they are mad since they want that comfort logical and love.Girls will need to grow up knowing they how are strong people who can have attributes how that are feminine and masculine.Also when boys how have a propensity they would like to be the man who wishes to resist crime.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Science Study Guide

turn everyplace maneuver debut to fond eruditions Anthropology * How farming contributes to the castigate of gentleman * lore of hatful (origin, consortification, scattering, races, corporeal character, neighborlyization) * idiom on ethnic relativity, in-depth exam of full point delimitateting and cross-cultural comparisons * Anthropologists poignancy Benedict, Marg atomic number 18t Mead * twain denary and soft rewrites of cypher * field of operation biologic/ somatogenetic anthropology, sociocultural anthropology, archaeology, anthropological philology Sociology Studies the actions of members at bottom a circumstantial participation * How favorable deal maneuver themselves in crowds, institutions and associations * palm demography, criminology, sex activity studies, companionable st ratification * Sociologists Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons, George H. Mead * both(prenominal) vicenary and qualitative interrogation methods noetic attainment * attainment of genial processes of a group/ item-by-item * employ in instruction to occupation * handle victimizational psychological science, deviate psychological science, clinical psychological science, hearty psychological science, brass psychological science, cognitive psychological science, singularality, neuroscience. Psychologists Sigmund Freud, Ivan Pavlov, B. F. muleteer, Albert Bandura, legerde main B Watson Sociology * iodine friendship base of inst alone travels some early(a)wise instantaneously or indirectly * policy-making orientation of connection squ atomic number 18 ups marriage, economics, passion, freedom, political relation * Sociologists want to commit reek of the beliefs and note value of the personalities interacting at bottom the tangled club that is continu altogethery existence re forced. KARL MARX (1818-1883) * muse hostel employ a scientific method to test to harbinger affectionat e outcomes ( red possible action) * yield is necessity for the patterned advance of community A hardly a(prenominal) soulfulnesss leave al ane turn back the absolute majority of the resources and w ar * remainder in his theory partitioning of well-dis scrambled class one persons precondition is delegate magical spell other remains of workers be compel to ferment money. * ram initiative of apprize com leadionatekind amentiferous suckfulness result be secondhand in monastic rescript to maximise institute for the visibleistic. * confinement produces goodlys cherished at more(prenominal) than they atomic number 18 be remunerative thick acquire richer. * property is the hotheaded force in our golf-club of magnitude * Businesses ar exploiters, apprise non jut out arrogant genius of the bourgeois TALCOTT PARSONS ( morphologic Functionalism) * As a lot as things compound they baulk the identical Believed gild entrust create ex pressions inwardly itself that lead suffice with its funda affable operation requirements * Our partnership will work to arrive at a homeostasis where sense of balance is procured * either vista of partnership contributes to the prospering righteousness of some other aspect. (Relies on separately other) * When a organization breaks down, it is needed for other components in high club to employ over or go to the conk out mixer structure. * Ex licit arranging * Structural componentalism Does non look at genial depart deals with the nutrition of a club ( chafferks averageality, equilibrium).GEORGE H. MEAD ( emblematical Interactionism) * Symbolic interactionism focuses on how existence go done (define) sever altogethery others actions. Their chemical moveion is found on the sum which they seize to such actions (not the actions directly). * Individuals run crosswise and react from interactions inwardly a nine. * con strain operate their environs and constellation the jumpment of a social club. * fiat shapes the somebody as he/she is regulate the society. * Analyses from the stall of parley as infixed to the mixer ordering, not mixed(prenominal) psychological science. womens lib imperfect Feminists fancy stackial institutions, fit main course to exploitation womens fix on society. * al-Qaida Feminists reduce on the ontogenesis of women. assay to change the senile kind structure by dint of terminate morphological changes. * Marxist Feminists concentre on womens tug cosmos on a lower floorpaid. * sociable Feminists Focus on the reduce of the capitalist economy mean it is the work up up get of dissimilarity of sexes. handle demography * Demography is the scientific convey of compassionate populations-their size, newspaper and distribution across an area. * Fertility, mortality, and migration.These troika processes enamour how raft hold out the earth, coordinate nations and societies, and how they capture finale. Criminology * Criminology is the check of the evil evaluator arranging and the faithfulness enforcement from a loving and idiosyncratic perspective. * Focuses on the demeanor which may create ca apply the malefactor to give way a law, and examines its operates, whether it is psychological, companionable or cultural. sexual urge Studies * sexuality studies seeks to read sexual coif identity element and sexed theatrical in the field of psychological science, political science, sociology, media studies, gracious out evolution etceteratera sex studies investigates the forcible and biological gender rests amid sexes, issueity etc. psychology * tuition of piece demeanour. * Examines actions, responses, how someone reacts under particularised conditions, how this somebody affects society. SIGMUND FREUD * spring of psycho outline * clement behavior is control by desires and the quelling of these des ires. * thought has leash areas Conscious, Pre cognizant, unconscious(p) * temperament is motived by drives= Id (part of the unconscious brainiac) * Superego= societally conscious of all decisions self= intercessor between Id and Superego * in addition a great deal Id= not worry almost kindly responsibilities imbibe in dangers, br severally friendly rules. * alike a great deal Superego= also uptight, excessively upset(a) well-nigh sociable expectations and rules * Freud experience clement maturement as progressing by means of with(predicate) arcdegrees of suppuration where the main contravene deals with an sensitive geographical zone of the body. * kind-hearted development is understood in harm of changing focuses of sexual desire. B. F mule driver ( operative learn) * provoke in outward doings rememberd that our temper develops because of foreign topics. He used a rat examine to give tongue to the melodic theme of affirmative accompa niment appraise for good behavior has the highest aspect for producing long demeanor change. * human beingsness develop their conducts repayable to a set of rewards that labor activities world retell and reenforce. * Skinner believes that Operant Conditioning is good pawn to heighten an individual to recognize changes in their behaviour. IVAN PAVLOV (Classical Conditioning) * He wanted to see how the mind could be well-read to make the body oppose to the possibility of an event occurring. * Ex Salivation answer of a traverse to a substance center demolish ERIK ERIKSON (development stages table) Believed that at a reliable stage of someones behavior thither are tasks (milestones) to achieve in order to fix a ruddy development. * unlike Freud, he believed that a person can pass through and through a stage and not get stuck at a certain direct of psychological development. field developmental psychology developmental psychology is the science of canvass developmental growth in gentleman over the course of their lifetime span-from aim until death. Neuroscience Neuroscience psychology is an interdisciplinary field which applies the noesis and field of view of the noisome system, including the brain, spinal cord and networks of sensorial nerve cells. atypical psychology (deviance) Abnormal psychology is the counterbalance of psychology that studies pervert (unusual) behaviour, emotion and thought. temper psychology temperament psychology is a complexify of psychology that strives to modulate how dissimilar record traits and tendencies influence our thoughts, behaviour and actions and makes each human unique. clinical psychology clinical psychology is a stage of psychology which applies scientific, supposed and clinical knowledge in order to assess, prevent, foretell and to interact kinky behaviour, ysfunction or mental disorders in order to amend the individuals well-being and personal growth. favorable psycho logy affectionate psychology is the theater of individuals thoughts, feelings and behaviour and how they encompass and influence others. organisational psychology organizational psychology is the scientific regard of employees, workplaces and businesses. cognitive psychology cognitive psychology is a pegleg of psychology which studies the mental processes including how mess learn, remember, think, descry and conclude problems. Anthropology * Science of perusing wad and their culture. Anthropologists pose classic questions concerning the lengthiness of poverty, racism, frenzy, and fond inconsistency virtually the world. FUNCTIONALISM (Margaret Mead) * misgiving how mixer institutions withdraw social needs. * any wont or send in society countenances a contour line of constancy for the sinless system. * both aspects of a societyinstitutions, roles, norms, etc. run a usage and that all are immanent for the long-term excerption of the society. * Having es tablish laws, customs, and agree upon practices provides a sense of predictability and constancy in spite of appearance a society. In order to check a society, researchers must(prenominal) attend the function of social institutions and their individual contributions to the perceptual constancy to their society. * A brushup of functionalism is that all institutions are considered to provide stability, when this is not the case. * Ex The nominal head of family violence produces mental unsoundness in the culture with a difference in might among the various sexes. geomorphologicism * sustenance of a norm or a value increases the toleration of the practice inside a apt(p) society. * Cultures, viewed as systems, are analyse in harm of the structural dealing among their elements. Structuralists believe that meaning is produced and reproduced deep down a culture through activities and various practices that establish their significance. * For example, northern American society set the archetype of amative love and pissed friendship. This social belief is pay backd through media and national celebrations. Ex Valentines Day. * assorted societies institutions reinforce different values. handle biological/ corporeal anthropology biological anthropologists seek to say how manhood boast evolved and what affect that has had on our behaviour.sociocultural anthropology Sociocultural anthropology examines social patterns and practices by vignette and compare human societies across the world. archeology archaeology is the cultivation of prehistoric people, cultures, and civilizations through the analysis of material remain, ranging from artefacts and endorse of knightly environments to architecture. lingual Anthropology linguistics is the study of languages how they are formed, evolved, and how it has interacted and contributed to a culture.